

A middle eastern reporter, not worthy of the title, throws his shoes at our President (the worst form of insult as viewed in the Muslim culture) and then his countrymen are pictured on International TV, as being ANGRY when he is jailed.

They are always angry, marching in the streets, chanting ugly phrases written by their clerics, so called religious men of peace, against the U.S. and it's Allies....and we sit on our hands.

Why don't we get angry...at the insults hurled at our President and other friends, at the threats to our way of life? Demonstrate, fill the streets shouting "Death to the the Muslim Extremists,

Down with Iran and Amadeemajob." (The Iranian ruler who is always threatening extinction to anyone opposed to him and his regime. ) But no car burning...that would lower us to the
level of those uncivilized people. (and right now...we can't replace the cars)

We don't do those things because we are afraid? Because we hate Bush that much? Well people..
you entirely miss the point. It is not President Bush they demonstrate against. Against whom they throw their shoes in a desperate attempt for attention. No Matter how you feel about
Bush, it is our country and our way of life they are threatening with extinction.
THEY HATE US !! Pure & Simple...

To answer "Well Bush has so much blood on his hands, has done so much wrong that we shouldn't defend him, misses the point...whether or not you hate or defend Bush, I believe we should continue to love our country. and if there are things about our way of life you don't like, then demonstrate and become active in opposition. But never allow a group of terrorists dictate to us what we may believe or not believe.

When the Tripoli Pirates started to hijack our vessels for ransom in the early years of our democratic republic, Thomas Jefferson, then our President, didn't hesitate one moment. With no army and very little navy he challenged them...

and won!!! and yet Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, in fact married one.

But he also was a major force in writing our constitution.So there is bad and good in every man. When Bush's legacy is written, who knows what the real facts will bring out? In the meantime, I've given eight years of my early youth to help defend our way of life and I refuse to stand by and listen to unqualified people bad-mouth it. The Taliban will not allow any dissension or opposition to their regime. Perhaps these negative souls would like to live there?
